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体育产业涵盖了广泛的领域, 包括职业运动队, 大学体育运动, 体育营销, 体育设施管理, 体育娱乐, 和更多的. 这个数十亿美元的产业继续在全球扩张, 随之而来的是对业务运营的更多关注. 随着体育组织追求盈利能力和可持续性, 他们越来越需要具有很强商业头脑的专业人士. 这就是你的用武之地, and we’ve made your opportunity more accessible than ever with our online degree program. .

Get the advanced training to take your career in athletic administration to the next level. Hardin-Simmons University is proud to offer one of the most well-regarded yet affordable sports management MBA programs in Texas.

Our MBA in sport business is accredited by multiple institutions and considered by some agencies to be 跻身全国顶尖在线体育管理MBA课程之列. 无论你的目标是成为总经理还是体育总监, you’ll learn the business theories and financial and personnel management strategies, and how to apply them to various types of organizations within the sports industry.


在HSU,我们致力于您的成功. 不仅仅是在课堂上,在你毕业后的生活中也是如此. 你可以 count on a supportive learning environment in which your professors and peers are there to help you when you need it. 你可以 expect a flexible class model designed to achieve work-life-study balance — with fully online courses, 8周学期, 每年有很多机会加入这个项目, 不仅仅是春天或秋天. 你也会受益于一个以基督教信仰为基础的项目, 这将培养成功领导所必需的正直和道德, 还有商业头脑.



才有资格在澳门皇冠赌场平台攻读体育商业MBA, 你需要获得认可机构的学士学位, 平均绩点不低于3分.0.


Our online MBA sport business program combines coursework in business and kinesiology to offer a specialized graduate degree that’s perfect for professionals that want to work in the sports industry. 你会对整个体育事业有一个全面的了解, 成为财务决策的行家, 学习如何在行政层面组织运动员, 并成为为商业问题制定明智解决方案的专家.




We know that many students seeking a sports management MBA are already industry professionals with busy work lives. 我们为满足打工学生的需要量身定做了这个项目, with a flexible online teaching model that allows you to work at your own pace. Study full-time and finish in as little as 12-15 months or take longer depending on your needs. HSU undergraduates can also enroll in the Early Admission To Graduate Learning (EAGL) to get up to two courses of their Sport Business MBA out of the way while completing their bachelor’s degrees.


Any college can claim they offer one of the best sports management MBA programs in the country, 但很少有行业认可来支持它. Hardin-Simmons’ MBA program is accredited by both the Accreditation Council for Business 学校 and Programs and the Southern Association of 大学 and 学校 Commission on 大学, 体育商业联盟的成员, and MBA Central ranked our MBA in Sport Business among the top 20 online sports management MBA programs in the country in 2020.


体育商业的世界是动态的, 我们认为你在体育管理方面的教育应该反映出这一点. 该领域的变化为实践学习提供了机会, 作为一名体育管理MBA学生, 你将有机会参与服务学习, 研究, 模拟, 实习, 以及现实生活中的企业项目作为课程的一部分.


Sports management skills are needed in all types of sports and all levels of competition, 包括市政娱乐, 私人组织, 社会组织, 政府体育活动, 业余运动, 大学体育运动, 职业体育.

Graduates of our sports management MBA program have gone on to work in several athletic organizations, 包括德州游骑兵队, 阿比林青年体育管理局, 阿比林独立学区, 卡罗尔顿独立学区, 在全国的大学体育部门也是如此.


A sport business MBA can boost your earning potential and lead to a variety of lucrative careers. Facilities managers, for example, earn an average of $98,000 per year, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. Public relations managers and marketing managers each average an annual salary of $141,000.

“I primarily chose HSU for grad school because I was offered the position of GA for the track and field team. My career aspirations are to be a throws coach so going to HSU allowed me to get my foot in the door into college coaching while also obtaining an advanced degree. 最重要的是, 我知道我想获得一个体育专业的MBA学位, 这不是每个学校都提供的.”




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  • 寻求帮助为你的下一个职业变动做准备

    HSU is here to support you in your goals to advance within the field of athletics administration. Students in our sport business MBA program have job search and industry analysis through our Career Center. 你可以 take advantage of personal career advising, resume analysis, and other resources to ensure you’re ready to make the biggest splash possible on the job market once you’ve graduated.

  • 关于主任

    Jennifer plantier,研究生项目主任

    “我们的体育商业MBA课程是实践性的, so students can apply what they are learning in the classroom to what they will actually do on the job. We coordinate with businesses and sports venues on projects that are real-world work – marketing and business planning, 研究, 促销活动, 销售, 和实习.”

    Dr. Jennifer Hobbs Plantier,商学教授 & Marketing, is the Hardin Simmons University MBA Sport Business program director. Dr. Plantier received a BS in business administration with a concentration in marketing from Hawaii Pacific University. Her work carried her beyond retail into commercial trafficking and sales while working for two radio stations in Connecticut and Texas.

    Dr. Plantier furthered her education while working as the marketing director and station programmer in student affairs at Texas Tech University. 她在理工大学获得了市场营销硕士学位, then shifted her focus to consumer behavior and continued her education at Texas Tech earning a PhD in consumer economics. 在完成学位期间,博士. 普兰蒂埃曾在陶森大学担任客座教授, 马里兰, 她在哪里教市场营销和经济学课程.


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